Assalamualaikum kepada semua yang berkunjung ke blog ni. Dah lama tringin nak buat muffin ni akhirnya berjaya juga buat untuk menu minum petang. Dapat resepi dari blog kak Jun yang asalnya dari Mamafami. Rasa ok dan sedap. Tapi saya buat rasanya ada lagi muffin coklat chip yang moist dari ni. Yang ni agak padat but stil moist. Cume saya buat kurang gebuss jee.. tapi layannnn..
Resepi dia kalau kalau ada yang nak cube:

1 3/4 cup flour
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1 cup castor sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup fresh milk
1 egg (lightly beaten)
1/2 cup cooking oil
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
3/4 cup choc chip
Caranya: Ayak tepung, koko powder, garam, soda dan baking powder kemudian masukkan gula, ketepikan. Dalam mangkuk yang lain satukan bahan-bahan basah, susu segar, minyak, telur, vanilla essence dan gaul rata. Kemudian masukkan ke dalam mangkuk tepung tadi. Gaul rata dan masukkan choc chip tadi. Jangan gaul terlalu lama, cuma biar semuanya sekadar bersatu. Bakar pada suhu 170C selama 20 minit. Dan enjoyyyy...
You have to be cautious ahead of acquiring any hoodia item. The difficulties in obtaining pure plant supplements is inconvenient for those who want to see if it could be the answer they are seeking. As you eat, the glucose levels in your system rise, until they reach a certain level, when a signal is sent to the brain to inform it that enough food has been eaten, and this results in the body experiencing that "full" sensation. If they are using the Hoodia Gordonii that is from Africa, but then the have make use of the entire plant from root to tip, this is still not effective. Green tea further helps with metabolism.
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