Assalamualaikum..Selamat pagi duhai sekalian alam. Moga sihat sihat belaka hendaknya dan tak lupa kita untuk bersyukur. Teng teng..akhirnya termakbul juga nak buat kek marble ni. Resepi amik kat umah mamaFami lagi. Dah lama teringin nak membuat marble ni, asik tengok kat umah memasing tayang marble. Dan ini antara resepi yang agak simple bebahannya. Sedap kek ni.

Akan tetapi marble saya tu macam budak tadika baru belajarlah. Pakai hentam je. Kalau pi jejalan umah sifu2 kita sure la comel n cantik marblenya tu. Walaupun marble dah rupa kain batik salah cop tapi rasanya..nyum nyum... sedap..hubby pun suka tu sampai posing kek tu agak kasar skit. Haha..perasan tak potongan kek tu agak kasar sebab hubby yang tolong potong. Geram gaknya tengoknya saya dok terkulat2 nak memotong kek tu (padahal masa tu dok cari marble tang mana paling lawo..takkan nak potong semua kot..rupanya satu pun tak de lawo..ohh)Bais pun banyak makan kek ni sesambil main ngan adik dia tapi natijahnya satu rumah penuh dengan habuk kek..haduii. Meh layan resepi ni.

Copy from mamafami
Source : Cik Mat Gebu
Ingredients :
300g butter
280g flour*
1 tablespoon milk powder*
1 teaspoon baking*(sift together all ingredients marked *)
5 large eggs
1 tablespoon ovalette (cake stabiliser)
250g castor sugar
50ml fresh milk
1 1/2 teaspoons chocolate emulco
1 teaspoon strawberry emulco
1 /2 teaspoon rose essence
a tint of pink coloring

1. Prepare an 8 x 8 x 3 inches cake tin. Grease the sides with butter and a bit of flour. Line the base with greaseproof paper.
2. Beat butter till pale in color. I beat manually. Add in flour, a little at a time till all flour are used and mixture is well mixed. Set aside.
3. In a mixing bowl (clean and dry), beat eggs and ovalette.
4. Add in sugar, a little at a time and continue beating on high speed till mixture is light and fluffy, like the chiffon mixture.
5. Reduce the speed and add in the butter and flour mixture, a little at a time.
6. Pour in the fresh milk and rose essence.
7. Divide the mixture into 3 equal portions. Add 1 portion with chocolate emulco. Another portion with strawberry emulco and a tint of pink coloring. Leave 1 portion plain.
8. Spoon 2 tablespoons of plain mixture onto the middle of the cake tin. Top it with 2 spoonful of pink mixture, followed by the chocolate mixture. Repeat the process until all the mixture are used up.
9. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 C for 40 to 45 minutes.
Salam Adinda ku Izah....akak dah terliorq ni...tap..tap nitik ayarq liorq.....sedap dan gebus nampak...lawa apa warna marble tu....Dik ooi...marble mana ada specific design....combination tu yang memarblekannya!!!lawa dah aih....kain batik pun mahai dah!!
salam izzah. gebunya kek marble ni. mmg terliur tgk pg2 ni. perut dah kenyang lps bf pn blh lapar balik. hehe...:))
Salam Izzah dah mula memable.. erma? ti tunggu raser izzah punya kek dulu he he he ....nak 2 ketui..pppsssstttt cantiklah tu kata seni... yg penting raser..
ala kak..tu pun pakai letak2 je, tengok umah akak 2 ku yang lain lawooo je ..kalu masuk petanding kek marble pasti mantop..tul tu kain batik pun mahal woo
kak anis, sdap kek ni, nak nak plak bila dah semalamn rasa moist je..makan gitu je ngan air kosong..sodap
erma halamanku..
tul tu erma, bila masuk mulut aishh tak pikir rupe dah.erma buat la kek ni, bleh bagi makmertua..uikk tetiba mak metua plak ni kuar
salam kak izah,
wah...bestnya ada kek!Nampak gebush kak. cantik dah teksturnya dan marblenya. bila Hubby dah tak sabar potong, tu namanya kek marble tu mmg menggiurkan.. hehehe...
hehe..ok ye..tapi mmg gebu tapi tak gebu mcm chiffon la kan..gebu dan moist gitu pulak2 tungu semalaman.
teringin nak buat kek marble ni...cantik warna warni
kak cm..ala sifu buat kejap je jadik dah..buat kak jgn tak buat.dodulu kek marble ni time raye je baru merasa mkan
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