Assalamualaikum.. Bila pisang ranum banyak kat dapur, mula la terpikir nak buat kek. Pi jumpa pkcik google jap, terjumpa resepi kek cipon senang nih. Siap ada video lagi cemana nak buat. So saya pun try buat kek ni dan hasil nye memuaskan kecuali agak terbantut sikit kek tu. Tapi sedap lembut dan gebu. Bau pisang nya wangiii je walaupun saya tak guna pisang emas atau pisang yang jenis jenis wangi tu.
Sesapa yang masih demam cipon meh la buat kek yang mudah nih. Rasanya kalau nak buat kek pisang lagi, kek ni la pilihan saya.. Disamping tak banyak bahan yang digunakan, nak sdiakan pun cepat dan mudah. Kepada Pohbedoh...Cemana? Tak pecaya? Hihihi sambil tangan tutup mulut....
Ni resepi yang saya ambil dari Cristinesrecipes. Thank you so much!! Boleh juga tengok resepi yang satu lagi dari Jodelibakery.

Banana Chiffon Cake
Source: Christinesrecipes
Prepare a 8inch (20cm) round cake mould, removable base preferred
Ingredients of batter:
80 gm cake flour
3 egg yolks
13 gm caster sugar
35 gm vegetable oil
45 gm milk
1/8 tsp salt
2 ripe bananas, about 240 gm
Ingredients of egg whites:
4 egg whites
40 gm caster sugar
1/2 tsp cream of tartar

Preheat oven to 165C (330F). Use a small food processor to process the bananas into paste. Set aside.
Mix the egg yolks with 14 grams of sugar until smooth. Add oil, milk and mashed bananas. Combine very well. Sift in cake flour, incorporate all ingredients well until you get a smooth batter.
Use an electric mixer to beat egg whites first for a while until bubbles form. Add cream of tartar. Add one third of the 40 grams of sugar at a time. Combine well between the adds, until stiff peaks form. (Please refer to this video, showing how to beat egg whites, that I uploaded on youtube.)
Fold in the egg whites into the batter. Add one third of egg whites at a time in order to easily incorporate the egg whites (Also, here’s a video of showing how to fold-in the egg whites).
Transfer the batter into the cake mould that shouldn’t be non-stick or greased. (The mould you use is very important to get the best result. It helps the cake avoid from shrinking too much after removing from the oven, once the temperature drops.) Pop in the preheated oven and bake for 55 to 60 minutes. Test it by an inserted needle coming out clean. Remove from oven and immediately revert the cake mould upside down on a wire rack. Let it cool completely. Carefully remove from the cake mould. Enjoy!
halus pori2 cik cipon u... lol...
cam ade taruk blueberry plak ek kek tu sebab ade kaler ungu2 sket2... tahniah jugak... next time buat musti lagi purfek...
salam izah...very spongy cipon izah tu. sekrg ni tgh demam cipon kot. sana sinun mencipon.hehe
hikhik..pori pori ye..tak de a..tu warne pisang je..specel skit warne cam ungu blubery gitu..hhhaaa.. maceeehh
tu la kak ain..bila nak jangkit demam nih..ok la kek ni, lembut dan moist..mungkin sebba pisang kot.dan wangi pisang.
Salam Zah... awat rerajinlah sgt hu hu.. ni kena tukar ni...Izah Chiffon ha ha ha jangan marah.. bilalah erma nak men ciponni... ambil 3 ketui...
aci ke cipon tukar dgn lempeng????
baru semalam mas ambil resepi chiffon pisang kat rumah kak wan,plan nak buat esok, rupanya izah lagi cekap, dah buat pun, nampak sedap sangat...makan chiffon pisang izah dulu la...dah tunggu depan pintu ni..
haiip..pot montot kang..izah cipon ye... hikhik.. ala..terjatuh cinta lak dengan cipon ni erma.kite mmg suka cipon, jadinya bila dah reti nak buat tu yang giler jap nih...buat erma, nanti sah jatuh cinta tau
ena lovelykichen..
hahahahaa....saboor je la..lempeng pon sodap..letak strawbery kan..lagi meriah huii
ye ke..nanti mas dah buat, nak tengok resepi nyer plak macamana..ni bukan apa mas, pisang banyak lagi kat dapur tu..nak buat cokodok dah boring plak dah..piikir nak buat apa lgi nih..ting...ting....
nak cipon cake jugak..rajinnye izah ni buat cipon..pastu,nmpak gebus je..kite dah beli dah acuan die,tp xrajin lg nak buat..on dietla..ngehehehe..
demam cipon merata2... kak rose ni bila la dapat nak try... teuja sangat tengok kengkawan buat cantik2 tu...
alamak on diet ye..tak pe buat untuk si kenit tu je..hehehe..kalau buat sah sah nak ngap jugak kan..da lah kek ni lembut mcm kapas, mana cukup sepotong...ngeeehhh
kak rose..
oo tak jangkit demam cipon lagi ye...nanti kena datang angin tu mesti jangkit jugak..bukan apa kak rose, kek ni buat pun mudah, habisnya lagi mudah
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