Wednesday, December 18, 2013



Kek cawan rama2 ni dah lama dibuat. Saja ngikutkan cabaran budak2. Katanya umi mesti tak pandai buat kek comel mcm ni kan. Selalu atau kerap juga permintaan anak2 terabai atas jawapan uminya "umi tak pandai buat". Jadi rentetan jawapan umi tu la anak2 pun membuat soalan conclude mcm tu.

Jadi bila ada belen2 krim utk kek tempahan orang, saya pun cuba resepi kek cawan butterfly ni. Banyak.. ye banyak versi resepi utk kek begini. Terpulang pada kita memilih resepi yg mana. Resepi nya basic je. Ok ok je yg saya cuba ni. Anak2 lebih excited pada rupa dibandingkan rasa.



Serves: 12 

  • 1/2 cup (125g) caster sugar
  • 125g unsalted butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup (125g) self-raising flour
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
  • 3 tablespoons milk
  • 4 bottles food colouring, red, blue, yellow, green


Preparation:30min  ›  Cook:15min  ›  Ready in:45min 

  1. Preheat oven to 200 degrees C. Line a 12 hole cupcake tray with patty cups.
  2. Cream the sugar and butter until pale and fluffy.
  3. Beat the eggs in one at a time adding a little flour in each time until the ingredients are mixed.
  4. Add the vanilla essence and mix. Then add the milk 1 tablespoon at a time mixing after each addition.
  5. Divide the mixture into 6 bowls:
    In Bowl 1 - Add half a cap of red colouring
    In Bowl 2 - Add half a cap of red and half a cap of yellow
    In Bowl 3 - Add half a cap of yellow
    In Bowl 4 - Add half a cap of green
    In Bowl 5 - Add half a cap of blue
    In Bowl 6 - Add half a cap of blue and half a cap of red
    Mix colouring into each mixture after adding.
  6. Divide the purple mixture between the 12 cases. Repeat with the other mixtures in this order: Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red.
  7. Bake in the preheated oven for 10-15 minutes.


  1. Tahniah umi izah sebab berjaya dalam cabaran

  2. sy pnh buat muffin tp naiknya senget!kecewa je ;(

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Umi.. Hehe mekasih

    Ika.. Saya pun penah buat muffin senget. Antara sbbnya bekas muffin terlalu besar. Adunan banyak. Dan skli bakar banyak biji. Api kene setting sesuai n cuba pnskan suhu tinggi sblum msukkan muffin. Kmudian bakar pada suhu yy sesuai

  5. Salam kak izah.. tun pun rasa2nya majoriy buku resepi kek/cup cake tun ada tayang butterfly cupcake ni.. cuma tak cukup kerajinan nk buat. hihi

  6. clap..clap..umi ijah bkn x pandai tapi x gak nengok gitu sah2 budak2 teruja tgk baterfly kan..

  7. tun telani.. memang tahap malas jugak nak membuatnya tun. tapi kesian jugak ngenangkan budak2 .. hehe

  8. Anna..
    aku tau ko tumpang bangga ngan aku kan. hahaha

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