Sunday, May 30, 2010

Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies

Assalamualaikum.. Sapa nak makan biskut? Meh amik sorang sikit..sikit je tau. Lelebih pookk tangan die. Sedap gak mengkudap semekot ni. Maklum la semekot yang sihat la kunun kunun kan. Saya amik resepi kat SINI.

Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies
Source: Happyhomebaking
(makes about 25~28 cookies)

90g butter, softened at room temperature
25g caster sugar
25g brown sugar
1 egg (weights about 60g with shell), lightly beaten
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon salt
100g plain flour
100g oatmeal or roll oats (I used organic instant baby oat)
20g dark (semi-sweet) chocolate, finely chopped
50g walnuts, chopped
60g mini chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 190degC. Line baking trays with parchment paper.
With a manual whisk, cream butter and sugar in a mixing bowl until the mixture turns pale and fluffy.
Dribble in the egg gradually. Mix well after each addition. Add in salt and vanilla extract, mix to incorporate into the batter.
Sift the flour over the batter, fold in with a spatula.
Add oatmeal, chopped chocolate, walnuts and mini chocolate chips. Mix well with the spatula.
Drop tablespoonfuls of the cookie dough onto the prepared baking tray. Leave some space between the cookies to allow for spreading. Flatten each cookie dough slightly with the back of a fork, keeping the shape as even as possible.
Bake for 8~10 mins or until golden. If necessary, rotate the baking tray halfway through the cooking time to ensure even browning.Transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. Store in air-tight containers.

Jadi sesapa terbekenan kat semekot ni sila la buat..Anak saya yang first tu suka la makan semekot ni, tapi yang second tu dia makan separuh, dan yang separuh lagi die lebih suke tengok biskut tu terawang2 jatuh dari tingkat 17 neh nun ke bawah!! Itu tanpa pemantauan..Awas, pantau anak anda ketika mamam...kehkeh..


  1. salam izzah.
    nmpk sedap la biskut ni.:))

  2. adoi izah..sedap semekot ni tau.nak sikit.sikiiit je.

  3. salam izah..rajennye bt semekut!tgn saperlah yg cumil2 tu..sedap yer semekut mama buat :) nak juga la sekeping,dua :)

  4. Wah, mood raya dah sampai ke? Hihihii....

  5. anak izah nak promote biskut tu, sebab tu melayang ke bawah, he..he..tapau sebalang boleh..

  6. kak anis..
    biskut ni sedap sebab oat digigit dengan coklat tu mmg sedap.tak berapa manis tapi bila gigit coklat tu jadi sedaplah

    kak anim..
    sikit? aaaa sikit boleh..kikiki..

    deliah deli..
    bukan apa, nak habis kan oat yg nk expired tu. nk tunggu buat biskut raya rasanya dah ke tong sampah dah oat tu..

    ma bukan mood raya nih, ni mood nak menghabiskan oat tu..

    ha ye lah mas..pandai la nak promote..baik punya promote yeeee..hehhe..tapau sebalang tu..koo massss
